The Ageing Warrior is a concept by Helen Seddon the author of the book ‘Why Have All The Animals Gone?’. Helen is a passionate advocate for animals and wildlife and is an active writer and blogger. The Ageing Warrior is a concept she created in order to have a stronger platform for her blogs and book.
A talk hosted by The Ageing Warrior was due to take place on Friday 17th of April 2020. The evening would have featured local campaigners and activists sharing their empowering stories about how they are helping to make a difference. The event was linked to the authors book ‘Why Have All The Animals Gone?’ and would have brought like minded people together to make a stand for wildlife and the environment. Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus pandemic and a national lockdown the event was inevitably cancelled until further notice. Rockstone Media designed a promotional poster for the event and a number of banners and Facebook posts to help promote their cause.
Once we had designed the logo we started work on the Ageing Warrior Website which was built in order to use as a platform for the authors blogs with links to the book via Amazon channels.
When he Ageing Warrior instagram account was launched we created a series of social posts using